Word Groove
Word Groove

Word Groove

Word Groove

Welcome to WORD GROOVE, a fun new word-puzzle game. While most word-puzzlers have you building words…. with WORD GROOVE its time to tear them down! Choose a difficulty setting by working with 4, 5, 6 or 7 letter words. You play by spelling words with the letters you are given. Click on the letters to create words, or type the letter you want to use on the KEYBOARD. Click the letters again to remove them from your word, or hit the BACKSPACE key. Each time you spell a correct word the FIRST LETTER of that word DISAPPEARS. You now have to continue spelling words with the remaining letters. Keep creating words until you have only one letter left. With each word you make you have fewer and fewer letters remaining. Be sure to plan ahead so that you leave yourself the right letters so you can keep creating more words.

How to play : Use mouse to play.