Typing Dance Mat Level 3-8
Typing Dance Mat Level 3-8

Typing Dance Mat Level 3-8

Typing Dance Mat Level 3-8

Play Typing Dance Mat Level 3 Stage 8 game online. Keys: b and n.
Completed stages 1 to 7? Here you’ll continue your type touch challenge by working on the bottom row, adding B and N to the V and M covered during stage 7. By the end of this stage you should be getting your hands around a total of six letters each – with your left and pointer finger covering F, G, R, T, V and B, and your right tapping away over J, H, U, Y, M and N.
In Stage 7, we learned about two new keys in the bottom row, v and m so now in Stage 8 , we get to two more keys of the bottom row, the b and the n keys, which lie just between v and m. This stage’s game illustration takes us through a review of all that we learned in the past 7 keys, starting from getting used to the home row all the way down to understanding how to use the v and m keys in Stage 7.
By this time, the game’s steady tests and practice will have made you quite used to the home row and possibly even the top row. The new letters, b and n, like v and m are also operated using your pointer fingers.

How to play : Use keyboard to type letters.